
Early childhood education emphasizes individuality. Children’s play is their work, and by allowing them to access to various types of play, the child will meet his or her developmental needs. The children in this group turn 2 in January or 3 in the course of the year. They are between the ages of 2 and 3 years.

The daily routine for these young toddlers is play based. The teacher prepares a variety of learning opportunities and activities, each lasting for a short period to stimulate a particular development. Quality play opportunities enhance the development of the whole child and lead to the development of emotional, physical, social, language, intellectual and motor skills. The teacher spends time with the toddlers doing various sensory play activities, they are painting, colouring, tearing and sticking, etc. They use of outdoor play using the large equipment, sand play, a trampoline, etc. is available to them, a special time alone outdoors in the play area , which is used exclusively by them while the other classes are busy.

Many of them are still in diapers, and some even carry their formula milk. We provide a routine diaper changes as well as individual assistance with their lunches. We do not provide the meals, each child carries their own lunch and snack box.

We offer a small class ensuring great care is taken to give the child lots of touch time with the educator.

This class has a form teacher and a full time caregiver with them at all times.

The playgroup has the following lessons once a week: speech & drama lesson, computer lesson and a Wacko Ball lesson. Madressah is done daily by the form teacher. Monkeynastix is an optional extra mural that is offered once a week as well.

The times for arrival & dismissal for the playgroup are:

Tuesday to Thursday: 7.45 a.m. to 12.00p.m