Home Annual Concert

Annual Concert

It’s never too early to encourage kids to stand up in front of people and perform. Performance doesn’t have to be learning lots of lines for a play or spectacle; it can be as simple as singing a song, telling about a picture they drew, reciting a favorite poem. The more we encourage young kids to speak, the greater the likelihood that their self-confidence will increase with each experience. Everyone has a story to tell and wants someone to listen.

With this in mind, we at AL NOOR host a concert at the end of each year. This is done generally in November towards the end of the year. We use the themes and topics of discussion throughout the year as well as current events and daily global issues to be the focus of our plays and items.

This concert is a show that the children all perform in. This is held at our local community hall across from our school. It is an annual event that all parents look forward to.

Our speech & drama teacher works with the teachers and scripts out plays for us. We listen to what the children like to do and what interests them and then script out the plays or items that suit not only their ages, but their personalities as well. This concert includes all aspects of learning that takes place at AL NOOR. From the madressah lessons, Arabic plays, action nursery rhymes, poems, fairy tales, Islamic nasheeds, etc.

The content is varied and changes every year. All the teacher work together making their own backdrops and props required. We are fortunate to have an in house costume designer in our speech and drama teacher, who designs and sews all our costumes for us.

We have a custom built stage at the school, with a built in sound system, so rehearsals are a breeze. We are able to give the children a well-equipped area to rehearse in.

To assist us, we have an active mums committee as well, who play an active and important role in all our school events.

All parents, siblings and extended families are encouraged and welcome to attend the concert.