About Us

Logo-FooterAl Noor Pre-Primary School was established in 1990, registered by the Department of Education and Culture as a private pre- school. We are based in Kwa Zulu Natal, Westville. The school is currently servicing this community and surrounding communities for the past 25 years. The school is located on the lower floor of the mosque in Meerut road, Westville and enjoys the privilege of a safe and secure location. This school ethos is Islamic and offers a well researched school curriculum.

  • The school currently has 5 classes. Two grade R classes, with a full time class teachers in each class. These grade R classes have no more than 15 learners per class. Small numbers per grade ensures that each learner receives a maximum teacher contact. The children in these classes either turn 5 between January and June, or 6 between July and December. We have one grade OO class with a full time teacher, an assistant teacher and a caregiver as well. The children in this class turn either turn 4 between January and June or 5 between July and December. There is one grade OOO class, with a full time teacher and two caregivers. They come to school 4 times a week, Monday to Friday. The children in this class turn 3 before the end of March or 4 from July to December. We also have a playgroup class, with a full time teacher and a caregiver as well. They come to school three times a week, from Tuesday to Thursday. They are aged between 2 and 3 years. They also come to us wearing diapers; we provide the diaper change service.


Grade R                             5/6 year olds                                Red/Blue group
Grade OO                          4/5 year olds                                Yellow group
Grade OOO                       3/4 year olds                               Green group
Playgroup                         2/3 year olds                                 Orange group


  • The school fee includes the tuition plus these extra lessons: School fees are paid at the beginning of each term. They may be paid via eft or cash. No cheques. School fees can also be paid monthly as well. All payments made electronically must provide a proof of payment; otherwise fees will reflect as unpaid.

Wacko ball is compulsory for all the learners and is paid separately from the school fee. Monkeynastix is an extra mural lesson that is offered at our school, this is an optional extra and payment is made directly to the institution. The grade R learners have two extra lessons that are not included in the school fee and are specific to their group only. These are a reading programme (done by a reading specialist) & a pre-writing programme (occupational therapist); that come in to conduct these lessons. Pre-writing is done once a week and reading lessons are twice a week.

  • The school doors open at 7.45 am. From 7.45 am to 8.00 am is the early morning Greet & meet time. During this time they store their school bags and go into their classrooms, they settle in and enjoy some Free play time. Then they begin their daily scheduled tasks, each class has a different schedule which is age appropriately designed. Dismissal time is 12.00 pm.
  • Admission for placement must be accompanied by a non refundable deposit (This amount is determined by the management and trustees of the school) and a fully completed admission document as well as a current unabridged birth certificate and clinic card of the learner. Previously, admissions were determined by the early application of learners, this trend has now changed as many parents apply at more than one school. It is therefore advisable to come in and early and make an appointment to visit and get a private tour of our facilities and what we have to offer.

Please note: junior primary schools in the surrounding areas mostly follow the admissions criteria as laid down by the department of Education. This states that children living in the area are accepted ahead of those from outside the area. Attendance at Al Noor does not, therefore, automatically ensure placement at any school.

  • Parent/ teacher involvement. This is tantamount to a successful and well rounded learner. We encourage and believe in maintaining a strong link between the parent and the school. We offer comprehensive feedbacks early in the year through orientation evening, parent viewing days, as well as parent teacher consultations and a report every two terms. We regularly have a mums meeting where parents are encouraged to take part in the events at school.
  • Safety – As we are located below the mosque, we enjoy the privilege of a safe and secure environment. All areas of the school meet the safety requirements. Early dismissal of a learner requires the parent to inform the school in advance. Only parents or a guardian may collect the child, if otherwise, the school needs to be notified in writing. All equipment is selected and maintained to be safe and secure for durable and active play.
  • An interactive and well rounded learning programme is offered at Al Noor. We offer a well researched learning programme which includes many structured teacher directed tasks and well as free play lessons. These are age appropriate lessons designed for the full and overall development of the child, in all areas of learning. Learners are exposed to various forms of learning materials and art tools. The duration of lessons will coincide with their ages and are designed to maximize their potential, at the same time allowing them the opportunity to progress at an acceptable pace. Equipment is all sourced from educational specialists and different forms of play are encouraged throughout their day, from fantasy/role play, block construction, art and outdoor free play on a jungle gym and trampoline. These are all supervised play time activities. The following are some of the components that are included our daily schedule. These are all one lesson per week, except for the reading program.
    • Speech & Drama all grades
    • Arabic all grades except playgroup
    • Computers all grades
    • Wacko ball all grade
    • Reading programme (Grade R only) grade R only
    • Pre-writing programme (Grade R only)
    • Monkeynastix optional extra

Madressah is done daily with each class as part of their daily schedule. The daily schedule is different for each class.

  • Two excursions per year are undertaken. The venue is always researched first for safety and educational purposes. These are included in the school fee.
  • For dramatic art exploration we offer the children the opportunity to view a puppet show. This is an extension for their vocabulary and language skills as well as an educational learning experience as these shows are designed with popular child friendly topics. Daily story time offers a varied learning tool for their literacy skills to develop.
  • Sports – in the first term we host a sports day for the children at an indoor sports venue. Every child takes part. Parents and extended families are encouraged to attend.
  • Concerts: we host a Grandparents day and end of year concert as well. These are two big events for the children where each child participates. Parents and families always attend in great numbers, it is the highlight of the community as well.