Grade OO

Al Noor Pre Primary (1)The well rounded grade OO programme is designed to prepare each learner for the challenges of the reception unit/ Grade R year. It encompasses all the necessary emergent concepts required for the grade R year. These are concepts that will be explored and learnt through various mediums; Body Image, shapes, colours, numbers, basic writing patterns, painting, drawing, etc. The children in this class either turn 4 between January and June or 5 between July and December.

The involvement of parents is critical at this phase of learning for the child as they need the support of both the educator and parent to be able to develop these skills and concepts successfully. Their daily programme has equal proportions of free-play and structured creative tasks. These all merge to enhance and consolidate concepts taught. Sensory activities using various art materials are explored and activities are designed and prepared to teach and develop both the fine and large muscle development. The children are offered a variety of play equipment e.g. puzzles, games, lacing cards, tracing plates, building pipes, threading wheels, etc. for quiet time play. These tasks enhance concentration skills and develop good hand-eye co-ordination. The development of both the fine and large muscle is essential in this age group, so many tasks are geared to preparing and assisting the learner to acquire these skills and master them eventually.

Al Noor Pre Primary (3)Their daily schedule allows them the opportunity to follow routines, meeting the demands of a group in team tasks, waiting a turn, following instructions, socializing during snack times, etc. In this class we aim to allow optimal growth and development of the whole child – intellectual, emotional, social and physical development through the medium of free play and a well balanced and structured daily programme.

As Muslims, we are conscious of taharah at all times, so in case of accidents, we have a shower and a change of clothes ready for them. They are also assisted in the toilet by the caregiver, who is trained to assist them to perform istinja.

The grade OO has the following lessons once a week: speech & drama lesson, computer lesson, Arabic lesson and a Wacko Ball lesson. Madressah is done daily by the form teacher. Monkeynastix is an optional extra mural that is offered once a week as well.

This group has a form teacher; a full time teacher’s assistant as well as a caregiver.

The times for arrival & dismissal for the grade OO are:

Monday to Thursday : 7.45 a.m. to 12.00p.m & Friday : 7.45 a.m. – 11.00a.m.